Wednesday, November 3, 2010

If You Want To Use Body Language To Attract Women, There Are 4 Things You Absolutely Must Do

Do you want to use body language to attract women? To modify your body language so women will be attracted to you by your mere presence, there are 4 things that you must follow...

Did you know that 93% of communication is through body language? Only 3% is actually communicated through words. That means that if you want to be attractive to women, whatever comes out your mouth does not matter that much, it's all in your body language. And there are 4 things that you absolutely must do in order for your body language to be that of a man with confidence. You must move slowly, have good posture while walking, lean back while sitting, and improve your voice tone. I will explain each of these factors in this article.

You should move slowly. Walk slowly. When someone shouts your name, turn around slowly. I don't mean slow like a turtle; you'll look like a stiff. Move a little slowly than normal. A sure sign of a man that is lacking in self-confidence is one who is always fidgeting and talks fast. Moving slowly shows that you are not in a hurry and that you can get anything done without being worried.

You should have good posture while walking. When you walk, you should be looking forward and your chest is a little out. Don't pump out your chest like you're some macho wannabe. Just make it like you are proud of yourself whenever you are walking. A man that walks with his head facing down and his body all curled up is someone who is not confident of himself.

You should lean back while sitting. I don't mean sitting like you're almost lying in bed. Your back should lean on the chair and you look like you are relaxed. If you lean forward you will look like you worry too much and that is not a quality of a man who is relaxed and laid back. Women love laid back men.

You should improve your voice tone. It must sound deep. I don't care if your voice naturally sounds like a parrot's; there is always room for improvement. All the best seducers in the world do not sound like a whiny child. A man's voice should be deep. That's the bottom line. If you want to use body language to attract women, this is the most important thing you should do.

Now that you know how to use body language to attract women, I urge you to try them and see the results for yourself. I guarantee that you will see positive results by implementing these 4 things in your body language.


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