First of all, these lines DO NOT WORK. Sure, sometimes you might get lucky and snag a pretty woman using these lines, but most of the time women cringe upon hearing men after men spewing these out. When you use pick up lines on women they will think of 3 things. First, you are creepy. Second, you lack originality. And third, you lack confidence. I will explain why women will think of you this way.
You are creepy. Yes, you are. Picture yourself sitting on a coffee shop or walking down the street. Then all of a sudden a woman appears and then throws a pick up line at you. Pretty creepy huh? Of course if she's pretty it's all good, but still pretty creepy. Now imagine what a woman would think if a man throws pick up lines at her. A man who is bigger and stronger than her spouting these lines. That's creepy.
You lack originality. Almost all women have heard a pick up line. That's because a majority of men still use them. It doesn't matter if it's a line that she's never heard before, that's because all pick up lines sound the same to her. Whenever you use a pick up line, she'll think that you are just like the previous guy that also used a pick up line on her.
You lack confidence. Yes you can demonstrate your confidence by approaching her in the first place, but the moment you throw out a pick up line, it all goes out the window. Why? Because she will think that you don't believe that you can attract her by just talking to her normally that's why you had to resort to pick up lines for women.
Now that you know that not only do pick up lines not work on women, you will also look like a wimp in their eyes. So I suggest that the next time you walk up to a woman, open her up with a simple "Hi" or "Hello" and go on from there.
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